Having the ability to study at home at your own pace takes a lot of stress from the idea of getting advanced classes on topical issues.

The folks at CFMI have spared no expense to put togeather special training in almost any area that has to do with chaplaincy.  They have spent over 20 years creating, updating and finding classes from other organizations which are in some cases free.

All classes taken from CFMI have a 100 question test to be taken upon completion of the class.  Then  you send it in to CFMI and it is graded by their staff.  If you pass with  a 72% or higher they will complete, and send your a certificate of completion for "x" number of hours asisgned to the completion of the class. 

AzCFM Board members have taken several of these classes and found them to be very top notch materials and tests.

For our Arizona friends, and CFMI members we have made arrangements with CFMI to make most of these classes available at a reduced cost.  The money made from these course will be used to offset future classroom training from organization's like, the Internation Critical Incident Stress Foundation, (ICISF), and other.  As you know these can be very expensive to bring to town and unfortunately most chaplains serve God in their ministry as a volunteer so their pocket are empty.

We hope to be blessed with donations and partnerships that will assist us in bringing quality training to Arizona for reduced costs.

We are new and our treasury is small.  How small you ask?  Here is a picture where we currently keep our AzCFM money.

Click here to visit the training classes